Wright Restoration Services PPE Event
Wright Restoration Services, Inc. will be holding a Community PPE Donation Event this Saturday, March 28, 2020, between 10:00 Am and 2:00 PM. We will be accepting PPE to be donated to citizens and workers of nursing homes, retirement and assisted living communities who as you know are the most vulnerable to COVID-19. We are asking businesses and community members who are in a position to donate the items to help us combat the spread of the Coronavirus in our community. During our event, volunteers will be wearing protective gear to accept your donations. We ask that you stay in your vehicles to maintain social distancing.
Donation receipts will be available for those who need them.
We hope you’ll participate on Saturday, March 28, 2020 between 10:00AM and 2:00PM.
For any questions, please contact us at 610-HELP-NOW.